Utah's health care startup economy ranks 5th largest in the nation, with Salt Lake City as its primary hub. Despite this incredible growth, Salt Lake City's life science startup hub is still relatively under the radar from a national perspective. This gives Utah a unique opportunity and a competitive edge to investors looking for fresh, fertile ground for deal flow. There is growing entrepreneurial activity worth recognizing here.. If you are an existing and/or aspiring entrepreneur wanting to tap into Utah's health care startup community or expand your career opportunities, here are some of the events where great people are gathering:
Salt Lake City Tech Series: BioTech/Healthcare Tech
October 19th, 2022
Located at Kiln at the Gateway – 5:00 to 6:30pm
This tech panel will include the top startup leaders in Utah's life science community. Discussions will focus on the future of the health care economy, the impact of COVID, inflation, and how life science startups work in today's world. This event gathers an intimate audience of well-qualified individuals including our very own executive director, Chandana Haque.
Altitude Lab FDA Regulatory and Clinical Trial Seminar
October 28th, 2022
2:30 to 4pm
Sorenson Molecular Biotechnology Building Rm 2650
Email at info@altitudelab.org for more
This seminar is part of an ongoing educational series sponsored by Altitude Lab which will detail a clinical and industry perspective of navigating regulatory and clinical trial processes for therapeutics, diagnostics, and devices. Great opportunity to network with burgeoning founders and entrepreneurs in Utah's life science startup space.
Utah Business Economic Summit
November 5th, 2022
8:30am to 5pm at the Hyatt Regency Hotel in downtown Salt Lake City
This business summit promises to take a deep-dive into the discussions shaping our economy, including: How we can grow our business, invest in the next generation of startups, create an economic landscape that is more inclusive and welcoming to incoming populations and design our cities for the future.
This in-person economic outlook event will see 700+ attendees and featured speakers from the business, tech, entrepreneurial, and city planning industries. The day will be filled with keynote speakers, informative breakout sessions and networking opportunities.
Altitude Lab Fall Open House
November 8th, 2022
Located at Altitude Lab HQ – 5pm to 7pm
Altitude Lab will conduct quarterly open houses for aspiring entrepreneurs consideringAltitude’s program. This open house is a prime opportunity to personally network with Altitude Lab and gain exposure to our resident companies, initiatives, and mentors.
Women in Innovation Dinner (Invite Only)
November 9th, 2022
Email at info@altitudelab.org to qualify
Co-hosted by local leaders Chandana Haque (Altitude Lab), Leslie Goldman Tepper (Artemis Fund), and Tessa Arneson (Maven SLC) this private dinner is designed to cultivate women founders, local leaders in STEM, and aspiring entrepreneurs. This event is a great opportunity to network with top innovators and women leaders in the state.
BioHive Summit presented by Intermountain
November 10th, 2022
Located at the Salt Palace Convention Center
Utah's largest health care innovation annual summit. Network with industry peers, listen to speakers address hot topics in the industry and discover new insights into the status of the BioHive in Utah. This event is a prime opportunity to meet and interact with Utah's life science elite, investors, and aspiring entrepreneurs.
Bench-to-Bedside X Altitude Lab Mentor Night
January 18th, 2023
Location TBD
Altitude Lab and the University of Utah's Center for Medical Innovation (CMI) will co-sponsor the Bench-to-Bedside Mentor Night. Bench-to-Bedside is CMI's flagship student innovation program, which is designed to spin out health care solutions and startups within a 9-month timeline. This event will connect young talent and aspiring entrepreneurs to each other while interacting with top mentors in Utah's life science industry. It is highly recommended for those, especially in the search for co-founders.
Bench-to-Bedside Competition Night
April 17th, 2023
Located at the Utah State Capitol
Utah's premier health care innovation competition, the Bench to Bedside (B2B) program, offers students from all backgrounds the opportunity to learn from healthcare professionals about day-to-day patient care problems and develop tangible, innovative solutions. The program culminates in April with a formal presentation of team projects at the annual Bench to Bedside Competition. The event draws participation from faculty physicians, residents, industry leaders, venture capital firms, and university leadership. Team members' current projects are then evaluated and scored by a VIP panel of judges. Top teams are awarded milestone funding to support further project development.
Sneak Peek Section:
Altitude Lab Demo Day
January 24th, 2023
Location TBD – 4pm to 9:30pm
For sponsors/vendors, please email inquiries at info@altitudelab.org
Altitude Lab's largest event of the year. Altitude Lab's Demo Day will showcase its top companies to the public, highlighting their journey of growth and products. This event will be a massive networking opportunity for startups, vendors, firms, investors, and aspiring entrepreneurs of all ages. Both in-state and out-of-state participants from all industries will be present to attend Utah's largest health care startup public Demo Day.
Local events give such value to those searching for a co-founder as well as to founders interested in gaining exposure in Utah's life science startup ecosystem. Any events you think we may have missed and think we should add? Please email us at info@altitudelab.org.
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